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Master Customer Accounts

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Had a search for this, but this seems a tough one.


One of my clients sells to companies with different branches across the country


They want a system whereby the head branch (lets call it the master customer) can login and view all of the orders that the sub branches have placed (lets call them the child customers)


Is their any module that can do this or any advice on the easiest way to achieve this


I have developed prestashop quite a bit but this seems quite tough?





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Good morning,


I like the question and the problem.


If it were myself then I would:


Upload A website to a server ( yours or your clients )


Upload your clients products ( with or without prices, this would be a turnkey site for your customer only )


You would have Super Admin Control, Your client would have Admin Control, the branches would only be able to place orders.


The landing Page could be a replica of your clients site, if they have one, with log ins for each branch.


In the Back Office you and or your client can set the criteria for each branch.


As it is their own website ( with you as Super Admin ) you or your client can set employees as [email protected], [email protected], etc etc. with their own login's


Each branch ( as an employee ) will have it's own writes to order from the site.


The orders will then be sent to client, via email, the client will then have to manually input the order.


Their will of course be many problems with this but at least it's a start to an interesting problem.


I hope lots of people respond



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I like the question also.


The only change I would make to the suggestion above is that you have them set up as multi-stores. I'm 99% sure there is a module to cope with this for 1.4 (1.5 has it built in :) ) but not for the life of me can I find it. They really ought to upgrade the search function in the addons store!


At my main job (yes this one is just a after hours thing :) ) we use Magento, with multi-stores for some of our clients and it's working really well.


Hope this helps.



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