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Multi-shop and domains

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Hi all,


I'm a bit confused as to what to do with the domain.


Say i have the main prestashop installed on domain.com and then want to add another shop in the multi-shop interface but that new shop will have the domain bikes.com then what do i have to do on the bikes domain?


Is that even possible?


So i have the default group which holds the main shop domain and then add another shop under the default group using a category from in the domain shop that will need to be bikes.com


Could someone explain what needs to be done? I assume i need to add a htaccess file under the bike domain?

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Hi there,

I do not know what hosting control panel you are using so in doubt you should ask your hosting company how to setup the domains.

In ISP config which I use for example, you can setup a so called alias domain. The domains are pointng to the same webroot directory. The url rewriting is than done by prestashop it self.

Here is an example how it is done in my apache config

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName presta15
 ServerAlias presta15 
 DocumentRoot "/var/www/1.5.x/"
 DirectoryIndex index.php

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName presta16
 ServerAlias presta16 
 DocumentRoot "/var/www/1.5.x/"
 DirectoryIndex index.php


The domains presta15 and presta16 are both poiting to the same document root "/var/www/1.5.x/"

Best regards, trip

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Thanks a lot for the reply. I'm sending that info to my hosting provider so they can tinker with that. Also then how do i set it up correctly in the multishop back office? Do i tick main url, do i give in the domain example:bike.com as the domain and what about the SSL, phisical url and my guess would be that i need to use virtual url?


Sorry for all the questions

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Hi Seremela,

sorry I can not answer all your questions. I suggest you to download and install a local copy and play around with the features untill you understand it. There where some posts on the blog and maybe you can read the documentation. Anyway multishop is complex and it is a good idea to test these things on local server before you go live.

Best regards, trip

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, I've got the same question as TS. Here's my situation:


I'm testing on my local computer. I've got Wamp installed. The root of my localhost websites is C:/wamp/www


Prestashop is installed here: C:/wamp/www/prestashop. This shop works like it should. Then I tried configuring another shop, named shop2, using the multistore feature. I got the store working, but only at this domain: http://localhost/prestashop/prestashop2. I would like to get this working at its own domain i.e. http://localhost/prestashop2.


I tried the solution stated above:


<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName prestashop

ServerAlias prestashop

DocumentRoot "/wamp/www/prestashop/"

DirectoryIndex index.php



<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerName prestashop2

ServerAlias prestashop2

DocumentRoot "/wamp/www/prestashop/"

DirectoryIndex index.php




This is my configuration for prestashop2 in the admin:


URL options:

- main url: true

- status: enabled


Shop URL:

- Domain: localhost

- Domain SSL: localhost

- Physical URI: /prestashop2/

- Virtual URI: *empty*

- Your final URL will be: http://localhost/prestashop2/


What's the solution so that I can use the multistore feature using localhost/prestashop and localhost/prestashop2 as two shops with the same backend?

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ok, I am very much confused because not all has been well explained to the new DIY person. I've installed Prestashop 1.5 on one server with a domain name and according to my research seeing that is not all explained by prestashop itseld is that i have to re-install Prestashop 1.5 with the 2nd domain on the other server. So I have done that, no problem. I've activated the multistore functions on both stores which are on different servers with different domain names. Now I want the one domain to be the main hub for all different kinds of stores with different products etc, but want the main store to be like amazon having all the various store products on 1, but at the same time the various products on different domains and servers offering their own products respectively.


Still struggeling with the Virtual URL of which the purpose is not well explained, do I need to have a virtual URL? Is it for the visitor to go to? or is it for the backend control which must go to the admin panel or be able to manage the stores from the one panel?


Then my final question, is how do I have access to be able to manage all the different stores with different domains on different servers? Isn't there anybody out there who really can explain this in layman's terms for all the newbies?? from A-Z, just on the multistore functionality? I am really struggeling with the research and spend alot of time with this, seeing that I want to setup the various stores....please help??

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  • 1 month later...

If there a workaround to have multistore without having the second store pointing to the same webroot directory as the first one?


The reason is that we are already using the second domain for other purposes, and pointing this domain toward the first domain will make others pages unreachable. And we don't have to put the files from the second domain in the same webroot directory as the first domain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still haven't quite figured it out also...

Say i have domain1.com and domain2.com.

I need completely different stores, only so share a few products and quantities betwen one and the other.


How do i accomplish this?

Install prestashop in domain1.com, for example? Then what?

If i set the domain2.com to redirect to domain1.com, and set a multistore, what domain will the clients see?

Physically, there's only a install for prestashop... so only one folder for modules. How can i adapt some modules for one shop, not afecting the other? Take in acount that i'm don't know how to use overrides and some few things i change the code in the module...



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When you turn multistore feature on you can select which shop you want to edit. This feature provides you to edit shop / module settings for one shop (not for many at the same time). Each shop based on multistore engine has got own separated settings.


In the server side configuration, you must configure your domain not to redirect, but to show on presta directory, it's simple if you've got access to control panel of your webservice, you can do it by yourself

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Thanks for the reply vekia.

A couple of questions remaining:

- If you change a tpl file of a module, it will affect all stores? Or can we have a separate folder for each store?

- How can i setup up the server to not redirect but to show the prestashop directory? I've got access to the cpanel, but don't know how, neither how is it called...

Thanks again

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  On 11/20/2012 at 8:58 PM, sadlyblue said:

Thanks for the reply vekia.

A couple of questions remaining:

- If you change a tpl file of a module, it will affect all stores? Or can we have a separate folder for each store?

- How can i setup up the server to not redirect but to show the prestashop directory? I've got access to the cpanel, but don't know how, neither how is it called...

Thanks again


1) You can create separate theme for each shop, where you can override module tpl files. So - module will be different for each shop

2) do you know something about limitations in your web hosting service? I'm interested in number of domains which you can add to own cpanel account

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  On 11/20/2012 at 10:43 PM, vekia said:

1) You can create separate theme for each shop, where you can override module tpl files. So - module will be different for each shop

2) do you know something about limitations in your web hosting service? I'm interested in number of domains which you can add to own cpanel account


I don't know the limitations. I have 3 domains so far.

One of these days i'll have to talk to my host tech support about how to not redirect, but point to the folder and, if i remember, i'll ask about any limitation.

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  • 4 years later...

just to ask, i am using cPanel. I have main domain https://abc.com and multistore 2nd domain 123.com is alias to abc.com. im told by hosting company that alias cannot have ssl.. which means that i cannot have https://123.com . however, i cant have a shop without ssl... what is the way around this? is alias the same as add on domain and main directory as abc.com ? Thank you, Trev

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  On 1/30/2017 at 8:20 PM, trevorgilligan said:

just to ask, i am using cPanel. I have main domain https://abc.com and multistore 2nd domain 123.com is alias to abc.com. im told by hosting company that alias cannot have ssl.. which means that i cannot have https://123.com . however, i cant have a shop without ssl... what is the way around this? is alias the same as add on domain and main directory as abc.com ? Thank you, Trev


You can use CloudFlare as a proxy server in front your stores. It works as a middleman between your visitors and your webserver. And it's free (the basic version)


When someone visits your site, content is actually served from (the nearest) cloudflare server. This is the great thing - the geographically closest edge server can shorten response time drastically. Cloudflare has some great caching mechanism, and fetches content from your webserver only if necessary, resulting in less stress on your webserver.


CloudFlare also offers free ssl certificate, and page rules to enforce ssl on all traffic. This is what solves your problem. Your visitors communicate with CF servers securely over https connection. 

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