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Crirical! I uninstalled / deleted two modules now no products! Help

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Please help me! I uninstalled and deleted two modules from the back office




and categoryquantitydiscount


now none of my products are visible either i back office or front office and the site is broken and gets a blank front screen with word with a link:




which if you click it gives the error: The website encountered an error while retrieving http://skaggswoodbed...m/order-opc.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.




There are no other error messages


I looked at database and it seems all the products are in there but how do I get them to show again?


I have access to the back office and can see orders etc- but no products. I disabled my shop for the time being. Oh and all buttons to add, edit, or delete products are gone.




I should have backed up the site before messing around with the modules but I didnt think it would cause any damage. Now my store is down and I need help.


Please help



Edited by jbskaggs (see edit history)
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