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One product with a downloadable link for each language

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I'm puzzled..., I would like to offer downloadable products, but each product (movie, PDF, and so on) has been translated in different languages. Now when I create a product I can only have one link to attach to it, so my question is; how is it possible to have more than one link to a product, so that the user can choose the product with the right translation?


My best shot is to create the same product for each different language, but I don't really like it.


I hope someone with more Prestashop knowledge can point me in the right direction.


Thanks to all



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I can offer you another solution, our batch downloadable product pro module (http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/104840-batch-downloadable-product-pro-multiple-downloadable-files-per-product-and-attribute-specific/) lets you assign a different downloadable product per attribute, or also multiple downloadable files per product.


With the first option (attributes) you will create a new attribute for each language, and the customer will be able to select the one they want.


With the second option, there is no need for attributes, but they will have access to all the versions


You can see a demo (details on our website).

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Thanks for your solution, but I'm not sure yet if it's the right one.


I'll make an example to explain what I'm really looking for. I have a product, let's say a movie, and this movie can be watched in English, French, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, so the user when looking at the product should be able to select the version that he/she want to download (just one version, not all of them). Is this possible with your solution?

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