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Top menu shows everything 2 times after adding language

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Hi all,


I have started this website and was working only in English and everything looked fine. Then I added a language and now the top menu shows everything twice(home, specials, about us etc.). If you click Dutch however, the other language, then it shows correctly. This only happened after I added Dutch, so it doesn't show this malfunction if I disable this.


I dont know if I should place it in the same thread, but I also have some other small malfunctions that you might be able to help me with.


1. "My wishlist" directs to mywhishlist.php but gives a 404 error. The page doesnt seem to exist. If you know how to solve this, share please(but removing the my whishlist altogether is also fine as i dont plan to really use it)


2. The cart button at the very top of the page isnt clickable. I can click the word "Cart", but not the image. How can I make this image a link as well(The word "cart" doesnt work that well too. It directs to domain.com/.php and I only solved this by creating ".php" and copy the contents of "order.php") I also want to make the slideshow clickable.


3.How can I direct visitors to a page with products from different categories with the same attribute. For example I have a category "shoes" with some golden shoes and a category "socks" with some golden socks. How can i direct visitors to my golden products?


Thanks all for your help

Edited by barefoot (see edit history)
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