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4 Presta Sites All With Instant/Same Problem, Please Help!

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Hi Everyone

I desperately need someone's help with a problem I cannot understand.

4 websites running on PS all of a sudden had the same problem.
When opening the home page, not a single product appears in the Featured Products nor are these accessible when opening any of the categories (no products appear inside). When opening any category, it does display the number of products in that category, but no products actually shows up.

All the products are viewable and accessible from the back-end.
I can delete, modify and copy them but none of this makes any difference.

Has anyone had this problem before or can someone please make a suggestion of something I may have over looked?

All suggestions are highly appreciated.

Websites: stopshop.co.za, stopshopwholesale.com, bdt228.co.za, perfectcar.co.za/shop (this one is only for franchisees to access..)



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Update: This is madness...

Ok, all of a sudden everything went from chaotic to just fine!
Can anyone explain this?

I did contact the hosting guys, they said no changes to the servers had been done and that the problem was probably PS.
But then I ask, how can 4 PS sites all running on different domains, DB (but on the same server) all of a sudden have the same problem then all of a sudden, they're cured..?

Anyway, if anyone would like to comment on this one, feel free to do so..


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