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Product description alignment help!

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In the product description, I have align the text to be in a list one under the other one.... but when you go into the category, before you enter the description... the product description is all in line, one after the other one and it doesnt look right.... is it possible to fix this??


Check the pictures to see


Picture called "Wrong" is the actual description that i want it to look like picture "right" which is the way is properly displayed in the product description.

Many thanks!!!



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In the product description, I have align the text to be in a list one under the other one.... but when you go into the category, before you enter the description... the product description is all in line, one after the other one and it doesnt look right.... is it possible to fix this??


Check the pictures to see


Picture called "Wrong" is the actual description that i want it to look like picture "right" which is the way is properly displayed in the product description.

Many thanks!!!


Maybe try to add <br/> after every line?

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The description is pulled out from the product page itself, is just a text box that you configured when you create a new product, you get two txt boxes, "short description" and "Description" the one im talking about is "short description" so there is no coding available there, just simply entering the text.

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Maybe we're using different versions of prestashop. In my "short description" and "description" text boxes, there are simple html code buttons, including buttons which add unordered and ordered lists. There is also an HTML button which allows you to put anything into. If you choose an unordered list, your features will be aligned, but the "bullets" will be little squares. But you could include css which defines your image of a checkmark so that the unordered list shows a checkmark instead of the square box. If you can't add html to your descriptions, you would be limited.

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Thanks for your reply :)

I do have the button to add html code... I already did and added a <br> for each one but only works on the product page but not where i need it :(

I also have the bullet points or numbers... I also used that just now and is the same thing, you can see them perfect on the product page but where i need it, you cant even see the bullet points and the text is all together :(

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Okay, I see what you mean now; your html markup is not showing up on the Category page where all the products/thumbnails are before you click on each product page. Your markup shows fine on the actual product page. I haven't done this to know what works, but there may be a way to edit product-list.tpl. I probably don't need to say, "back up the page and compile smarty each change". I looked at a generic product-list.tpl and this line looks like changing it might or might not make a difference:

<p class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:360:'...'}" >

I'd see what happens when I removed the strip_tags part of the code. Just a guess.

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sorry for the delay and many thanks for your help... i havent have time to try this but since I have remove the short description from the "featured products" at the home page and also changed the code to avoid the product menu and go straight onto the product..... o wont need this anymore :)

Thanks again!! :)

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