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Domain change problem

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The problem is:

My modules don't show up in BO (its like it freezes, like it does if a module have a php-error) after we changed domain from .nu to .com

I got a new host (FTP) so its now "ftp.parfymrea.com" instead of "ftp.parfymrea.nu"

The FTP-folder is now named parfymrea.com instead of parfymrea.nu.


I've checked this link without success: http://doc.prestasho...ovingPrestaShop


I've done everything step by step except:

b (1.4 and earlier) In that same file, update the Base URI setting ('/' being the server root):

define('__PS_BASE_URI__', '/prestashop/');


I didn't really get it, am I supposed to rename "/" to "/prestashop/"?


I've cleared the cache and so on.


Everything else works fine, I'm just a littlebit scared of changing stuff in the DB since I'm not that experienced with DB's and so on.


Would appreciate an answer.

If anything is unclear, just ask and I'll try to explain it better.

Edited by spk (see edit history)
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I didn't really get it, am I supposed to rename "/" to "/prestashop/"?


This is the virtual directory of your PrestaShop, if your store is installed under domain root, then do not need to make the change.

f it is not installed at root, then you need to change to the folder that the store is installed. It does not have to be 'prestashop', it is the real directory name.


By the make sure you have made the changes for the domain at back office configuration, beause those info is saved in database. maybe you still point to old domain


- Back office

- Preferences

- SEO & URLs


you need to set store domain and store directory there

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you need to set store domain and store directory there


My store is installed under the domain root, so i'll leave it as /.

I've aleady made those changes, everything points right so far.


The problem is that I can't access the module-list.

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Oh right, just got an idea what could be wrong.


I bought a module and registered it in the old domain, could that cause the problem?

If so, how do i disable it without using the BO?

Or do I need to delete it from the FTP?




Edit: the module is multiblockatoh (Multi Block ArbitratyText or HTML), i've made .jpg-buttons which should link to a category. It did before, but after the domain change it says:


"There is 1 error:

1. Missing category ID"


I've checked with firebug and it's linked to the correct category, and it works if you try to access it with the URL.


It is the only module that isn't working properly.

Edited by spk (see edit history)
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when you get this sort of problem the key is to find out what the php error is.


modify your config/config.inc.php line to this:

@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');


then upload to your site


go to your modules, and now you can see which module is taking an error at load time

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when you get this sort of problem the key is to find out what the php error is.


modify your config/config.inc.php line to this:

@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');


then upload to your site


go to your modules, and now you can see which module is taking an error at load time


Thank you, I'll give it a try.

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