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Keeping 1.4.x Theme with 1.5.x Upgrade

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I have been playing with a stock fresh local install of v.1.5 in preparation for when the new version will be ready. I just upgraded to on my live site, and I use the stock Prestashop template, which works very well for my purposes. The 1.5 template is very similar but the grey rounded scheme works better for my site and I have adapted various things to it. The rectangular black design looks great, but I would find it much easier to stick with the 1.4.x theme.


When I upgrade to 1.5.x, how can I do a full stock upgrade (not saving any customizations, which is what I usually do for a smoother upgrade) and still keep the 1.4.x theme?


Will it still be there as an option to choose, or will it get overwritten during the upgrade?


Or, will there even be a one-click upgrade option for this major version change? Will it instead require a fresh manual installation?


Thank you.

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