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Dev and Production Site Sync Question

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I am throwing this out for the developers to see how everyone else manages this.


I keep a local version of my site where I do testing and modifications running a wamp serever and when everything is good locally I upload my changes to the production site.


Since we are continually adding products to the production site, along with sales and other data changes, I find it necessary to "re-sync" every once in a while, especially after I do something stupid and crash my local version. (which is what its for right? lol)


As of now, what I do is go to my cpanel, do an SQL export, go to my site folder in the cpanel file manager and zip the whole mess, then download the sql and zip file, extract and import and change the config stuff.. and Im back in sync.


My concern is with my host. My zip file, because of images mostly I guess, is pushing 300M with a metric f-ton of files. The zip process is taking 2-3-4 minutes and Im afraid of getting the too much resources eaten up boot.


So.. the question is.. how do you keep up with local and remote development and how do you keep in sync?



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So you just ftp them down? I think my site is close to a G now.. doh..


I don't download them as often as I should because of it and I could use zip as one is on dedicated and another is on a vps. most people in Europe or the US would laugh at my internet connection here. :)


When I was generating boat loads of ps shopws, I ended up writing php scripts and bundles as it would take 4 hours or more to upload one installation. Now I can gen a complete shop in 3 seconds. jajajaja


Also I use DW for sync..

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