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[SOLVED] Changing the URL

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I have created a page, and I am trying to change the URL, because the minic slider v2.1 is truncating the URL by the last character, and I want to see if shortening it does anything.


I've tried editing the product name, the short description, checking the categories, the friendly URL, dumping the various caches, all with no effect.


Here's the URL - http://www.lucoralmu...e-bracelet.html


How can I change the /19-ehhanced...... part of the URL? Everything that seems obvious to change doesn't have any effect., everything at the hosting service is up to date, small db, as this is just the start of a shop.


Thanks! Martin

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Perseverance pays off! Here's how to re-write URLs for products. In the product page, click on the "click here to improve product's rank ..." and there is the Friendly URL editor. It can generate from the product description, or you can enter your own. So I was mistaken about the friendly URL in my initial post.


Additionally, you can use "Friendly URLs without ID numbers v0.1.2" by HA!*!*Y, to get rid of the ID number for free.


best, Martin

Edited by lucoral (see edit history)
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