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php inside tpl

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I'm trying to do this:


foreach($a as $b ){


$c = $b; // if I do an echo here I have string insede $c



$d = 'abcde'.$c // if I do echo here I have the same string inside $d




the result I'm geting is just abcde


any idea why?



Edited by nil2567 (see edit history)
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$a is an array.


but I discover another problem.


the problem is:


when i do a scandir I get an array.




$a = scandir($directory);


if I now do :




I don't get nothing in the tpl file and I shoud get array.



If I do




I will get outpu of just hello

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the code is:


global $smarty;


$dir = "../modules/folder/upload/images/";

$images = scandir($dir);

$ignore = array('.','..');

foreach($images as $image){


$a = $image




echo $a; // here I have the file




$smarty->assign('image',$a.'aaaa'); I'm just having the aaaa tring

Edited by nil2567 (see edit history)
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at first I simplifyed the code, now I post the real code.

it is streng, it looks like a bug to me.

1º I'm reading the files from a directorie

2º I'm doing a foreach to get out of the array

3º I'm trying to output.


I can see the variable hava a value but when I pass it to the tpl file the value wont appear

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