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Free shipping question.

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How can I set Free Shipping for Ground only and not apply it to Overnight services?? I don't see a way to disable it on certain services like that. It just gives you the option for Free Shipping at "x" price or weight but it does not allow you to choose which service will be free if you have more than one. If there is not a way, isn't it pretty retarded and vague to just say free shipping no matter what after you spend this much? It's fine if you only offer Ground but it's not realistic if you have an Overnight service you want to offer....or am I missing something?

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thanks avaxis. I think free shipping by product is a must too. I was thinking more like shipping service also. Like you could have Free Ground shipping but Express or Overnight FedEx would be regular pricing. There's probably a way to code this into the logic somehow. I will add my request there also.

If carrier = # and cart total > $100 then shipping = free.

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