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Problem/issue with manufacturer text

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Hi guys,

Im stumped on something and need some advice as to whats going on and what i need to do.

Please view my website im building by clicking on my signature so you can fully understand my issue and what i mean.

I am writing content articles for each of the manufacturers. Now when you go to the edit manufacturer you go in and it has the top short description then the second description box too. Each of these has all the features to put in your H1 and H2 tags, bold writing etc etc however I have done this and nothing appears when you click on manufacturer page. It is the Fizele manufacturer that I have so far written the content for.

I have added it to just the Fizele category for the minute but when you hover the mouse over the Fizele skeleton watches link the whole article appears as the alt tag??? I would imagine this not to be good? The top bar is the manufacturers so you can see by clicking on Fizele watches the article is not there? But it is there when I go in to edit the manufacturer details in the backroom, and before anyone says it. yes I have changed the color of the writing to white so it shows up on the black background!

I have been trying to sort this for hours, even changed themes to see if that made a difference but nothing, I could really do with some help pretty urgently.

Thanks in advance


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