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New hosting changed files on FTP, prestashop login keeps asking to remove /install

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We've changed our hosting plan and apparently not all files were accurately (re)placed on our FTP server.


Since the new hosting, we get this message when we want to login to the backend of our webshop:



For obvious reasons, we want to log in :)

We cannot find the /install file to remove it. Renaming the /admin doesn't cut it.


Has anyone had this issue before? Any idea how I can change this situation? I am not familiar with coding.


Thank you!

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Thanks DesignHaus42,


Hello Aagje, In your FTP, please navigate to your Root Folder (Where your PrestaShop Folders are, some widely used Root Folders are Public_html, and www)


Once you Navigate to your Root Folder please locate the Admin Folder and REname it. Please make sure you remember what you rename this Admin Folder FTP, as this will the be part of the URL for your backoffice. If you renamed your Admin Folder "admin123" then to reach your back office you would go to www.yourstoresurl.com/admin123


Once you have changed the remembered the new Admin folder. Please locate the "Install" folder and delete it.


In combination, renaming the Admin folder and deleting the Install Folder will allow you to Log in to your Back Office.


Thank you so much for using PrestaShop!


I hope this helps!



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Thank you guys for replying.


I don't have an admin folder in the root, but I do have the following folders in the /httpdocs


- admin




As the admin1234 is how we renamed the original admin folder back in the day when we installed prestashop.


I'm just afraid if we delete the other admin folder, other things might not work anymore...


Now I've changed the /admin to /admin12.

So we have /admin12 and /admin1234. The one where our backend is at is the /admin1234.


Will the /admin12 interrupt any backend action?

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