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modules won't show on positions page

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Installed prestshop worked fine, installed template worked fine. Uploaded SQL dump file, cannot open store. Modules on the positioning page are not showing. If I try transplant them I get the error that the module already exists under that hook.

If I select from the drop down arrow, at the top of the position page, individual type module it will show under the correct hook, but if I select all modules I get 0 modules under all of the hooks.



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Thanks very much for your response. The module tab is loading fine, just the positioning page is not showing the modules. If I click on the "show" drop down box on the positioning page and choose an individual module type it will show that module under the correct hook. But it will only show that module, so there is no way to position it relative to the others.


This only happened after uploading the sql dump file of the template, the front end won't load, I get a 500 error. If I restore the mySQL database with the backup copy all works fine but then I don't have the template samples.

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Dear jabrone,


Hello and thank you for the message. In your back office, is the modules tab loading at all? Or is it just the positioning page that is not loading?


Do you have a fix for the missing positioning page?

I am having this same problem for a while.




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