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[SOLVED] download folder permissions

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I'm setting up a digital download product. Via FTP I see the product file gets this name:




This string appears in the link the customer receives to download the product. Knowing this string I can use my internet browser to download the file directly from a link like this:




which seems to me a bit strange. Safari can even recognize the extension of the real file and it opens it without problem!


Is there a list of folder permissions to protect the "download" folder and it's files from direct downloads?



Thanks in advance for any tips!





system info below:



Prestashop Version:


PHP Version: 5.3.13


MySQL Version: 5.1.52

Edited by jpac (see edit history)
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This is very strange that PrestaShop doesn't add some sort of protection for direct access automatically.


It should work if you put a file named .htaccess in the download/ directory with this contents:


deny from all


I've always been taking this kinda protection for granted so I've never bothered to check if there've been any protection from direct access. I'm frustrated that there haven't been any protection for it, so I filed a report for improvement (I'm amazed that no one had done it before) http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFI-6444

Edited by Bazze (see edit history)
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Hi Bazze,


Thank you for the tip. The .htaccess file containing "deny from all" does the job. Now I get a message like this one:



403 Permission Denied

You do not have permission for this request /download/83880d0db40da83e9089bb513e6064f22bf4973a


Which gives me a better feeling!


Thank you also for reporting the issue.



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  • 4 years later...



I am facing a problem with my download sheets, due to .htaccess files I am not able to see the right name of the file. 

when we download the product datasheet from download the file is showing blank (seems corrupted)


can any body help me how to short this.



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