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remove link for the product does not work in compare module

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Do you mean the link to the Remove icon at products comparison page? I know it works for most of the versions of PrestaShop I used.

It is better that you give the version of PrestaShop.


Some time is also related to the theme you are using, have you tried on PrestaShop standard theme?

If you give more info, here is more chance to get an answer.

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Just edit your product-comparison.tpl on your themes folder


search this code:

<a class="cmp_remove" href="{$link->getPageLink('products-comparison.php')}" rel="ajax_id_product_{$product->id}">{l s='Remove'}</a>


and change to this:


<a class="cmp_remove" href="{$link->getPageLink('products-comparison.php', true)}" rel="ajax_id_product_{$product->id}">{l s='Remove'}</a>

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