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insert drop shadow ?????

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I assume you are talking about drop shadows on the main navigation. All you need is a single background image on your CSS with the two effects and then a css rule to move the background image up when you hover. (There are other ways also of course)

if you search on web for change background image CSS on hover you will find many articles to guide you

Then change your global.css file in your theme. if you not sure what html classes and id's your prestashop menu is using, install firebug (A firefox extension)

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the usual way is a single image for the sides, white in centre, shadows left and right applied to a div such as #page as background image and told in css to tile vertically. As the #pahe grows depending on its content the background image will tile to match #page height

Then apply top and bottom shadows separately using other class or IDs on divs etc

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it depends on what you want to do, your question is a little bit to global,
the main changes you need to make, as far i get you right, are done in the global.css file
of your theme.
but as dave told you, install firebug for firefox, open your site, open firebug
and firebug is telling you exactly which file your content is in, give it a try,

but now it comes, you also can make a picture in photoshop with your dropshadows,
background white and picture a little bit smaller, record all steps, so you can automate the
work for the next pics, as long your background is white in presta it will work
but i guess your customer will not love you to do it this way with all the pics he is uploading in the future


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