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I have a doubt updating my products- CSV Downloadable Products

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Hello everyone... I have a doubt updating my products because all my products are downloadable and I use "Batch Downloadable Products" module to assign each file to each product.


My doubt is because I have some problem because some products appear with the three views (3 images) and I dont like that... I think that if I re-update al my CSV this problem will be corrected because my CSV doesn't have any "," in the image column with mora than one image per product.


SO... if I update my CSV (and all times I update my CSV's from now on...) will I have new products with different products ID? because all previous downloadable files where assigned by "Batch Downloadable Products" to each ID... if PS assign a new ID to the new CSV (containing the same products and new ones...) then the "link" between downladable file and the correspondent ID will be lost... ?¿


Hope you can understand my doubt...



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You can add a column with values 1/0 named as you want but linked in the Import form to "Delete images" if you put it to 1 all images of the products will be deleted before updating the products.


I think that if you put in the first column the ID of your products, and then make the import, the id's will be the same.

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Thanks Kristian... I've read that PS doesn't read the ID in the import of CSV's... he assign ID's in his own... my question is that if I import again my CSV is 100% that all my previous products will maintain their ID's? because is PS create new ID's or change them I'll lost the link between the ID and the downloadable file already done...



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