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[SOLVED] Several spontaneous issues in front and back office, not experienced before

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Hi All,


So, I don't know what's going on with my PS but several things are not working at all now. All the items listed below were working perfectly until I got a message from a client that had issues creating an account (error on the address field). Since then I haven't received any orders on my website and I am just discovering several things are not working in either the front or the back office. The only thing I changed in the last months at backoffice is a 'newsletter' module that I installed that was available through a link posted in this Forum, I cannot uninstall it now since I cannot access my Modules, please see below for more details on all the errors.


Please help. What can I do? Thank you


1. Catalogue > Enter new product > (i) the top tabs are gone (ii) the edit text box is unformatted (screenshots available)




2. Modules > the '+' button to drop down modules available per category is not working, when I press the '+' button, my website opens (front office) with a red error message saying: website non found, Modules was working perfectly before





3. I disable the 'guest checkout' option but it is still showing up in the front office, however pressing the button does not take you to 'guest checkout' it does nothing. No errors, nothing.

Moreover the 'Create account' button doesn't work either and if I fill in all the details just below when I press the 'Save' button the information is not saved.




4. Transport > Countries > Spain > Address format:


firstname lastname





postcode city




The account set up requests a 'State' when entering the address information at front office or else it cannot be saved, even though there is no drop down for State or any other option.



5. In frontoffice, when logged in (I have several addresses from different cities), when changing the address, the transport option does not change even though there are different transport option set up for the different cities. It seems like the front office does not recognize the change.


6. In front office, when I have my cart open and I add a number to the quantities box (for a product) the quantity is not updated, I can only add quantities by pressing the '+' button.


I think there are more things I didn't capture here but just to give you a glimpse of what is failing in my system, would you know what could have happened or how I can fix it. I can give access to my account if you need to look into my files.


Thank you

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Hello apprentice,


What prestashop version are you currently using and who is your web host? Also what is the name of this newsletter because it may not be compatible with your version of prestashop. Just asking a few things other people will need to know in order to try and help you. Also do you have a back-up of your store before you installed this newsletter module?

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Hi Clayton,


You're absolutely right, I forgot to mention those things.


1. Prestashop


2. webhost 1&1


3. I do have a backup but not from immediately before installing the newsletter module, it is from a while before. I don't mind reinstalling the backup but I do not want to lose the catalogue as it is now, I guess that is stored separately?


4. Newletter module: PSNewsletter 2.6 (I get the following warnings when opening the newsletter):


: include_once(/homepages/11/d358231896/htdocs/modules/newsletteradmin/functions.php) [
]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in
on line

: include_once() [
]: Failed opening '/homepages/11/d358231896/htdocs/modules/newsletteradmin/functions.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in
on line
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  • 2 years later...

Hello There,

I am new with prestashop and my backoffice was working perfectly. I created almost 60 new products and suddenly I am not longer able to save any information. The Save and Save & Stay didn't apply the changes even Save as a Draft and Preview bottom doesn't work.

..Prestashop v.1.6 .....


Issue or bug occurred when you try to duplicate a product using the duplicate bottom from the console page of the product that you are working....however if you duplicate a product directly from the products list works perfectly.....Delete the page that causes the problem and start again..I hope that this update help someone with the same issues

Edited by nassry (see edit history)
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