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Importing into subcategories

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I have been having problems importing with my csv files into subcategories.
For example I have Toys and Games as a main category, with Activity Toys as the subcategory.
I then import the csv file with the field category in my csv file as Toys and Games, Activity Toys
When I import the csv file, it creates the category 'Activity Toys' and imports the item there.
So any help on importing into sub categories would be appreciated, I've attached an example csv to show what I'm working with.


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I did mean the column seperator in the row as CSV, as this worked for me a while ago.
Cant you create the sub categories in the PS admin back end first and then just import the category colum with just "activity toys" and not "toys& games,activity toys"
the comma is what is confusing the csv file it thinks you want all main categories as I dont think the comma is used to seperate as subs, just as main categories.


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Thanks John, I now have progress! This is now 100% resolved.
I have been fighting this problem for ages, this is going to safe me a lot of time so thank you very much for your help!.

For people with this problem:-

What I was doing was incorrectly using the categories field.
I did not realise that if I had a subcategory existing somewhere within Prestashop (for example toys and games>activity toys) that I could just put 'activity toys' into the category list in the csv file and the item would be put there.

Thanks again John.

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well done,
So what we are saying is that every category is its own entity in the csv file.. right? but we create subs in PS and then bring them in withn the sub name in the cat field? is that how it worked for you?


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