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2 questions: Gateways and Reports

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I'm new to the online e-commerce world, so please bear with me.

1.) I need a solution that allows customers to checkout without creating a user account. Google Checkout and Paypal are great, but both require a user to have a user account. What is the best way to reach this setup? Would having a payment gateway such as Authorize.net allow this flexibility?

2.) What type of reports does Prestashop generate? We're going to be passing the order information to a fulfillment house, and I need to see what the reports/order look like from the backend.

Before you jump up and say "view the demo," the backoffice is set to Spanish (or French, I forget which it is set to) and the demo name and password aren't working. And I'm not sure when the demo will be reinstalled. I know it resets every 2 hours, but I'm not sure when the next reset is.

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the demos work, the language can be changed

don´t know where your problem is,

some of the things you want, are not done without changing the code
but, sorry if you don´t even know hoe to change a language in a preinstalled shop, i think you will not come close to your needs
without help


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First, Thanks for the reply.

As far as changing the language in the demo goes. I'm sure I can do this, but attempting to log in with the given username and password ([email protected], prestashop_demo) results in this error: "Il y a 1 erreur 1. compte employé inexistant, ou mauvais mot de passe" - kind of hard to test out the demo if the given log in doesn't work.

Second, as far as editing code goes - that is no problem. My profession is code development. However, I'm looking at Prestashop because it seems to be the easiest setup, and eventually this will be completely passed off to the client. So I'm trying to give the client a solution that is easy for them to maintain.

So if we can revert to my original questions of...
1.) I've never used a payment gateway. Will a service like Authorize.net give me the capability to just let the person place a direct order without having to create a user account. If it won't, then no big deal - I simply would like to know before I dedicate my time to trying to make such a setup work.

2.) What are the report generating capabilities of Prestashop?

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Hi Soph,

1) Paypal does not require a user to have an account to make a purchase from a merchant account. It merely acts as a payment gateway. The only person that needs an account is the merchant themselves in order to accumulate funds until they are ready to "withdraw" to their bank account. I believe that Google Checkout acts in the same way but I am open to be corrected on that as I have not used it myself.

2) PS does have a stats page now. I feel that they need a lot more development before they can be classed as "useful" in a retail environment. They are good for a quick glance kinda thing but depending on what you would expect to see or need to see in your reports they probably wont "cut it". Having said that just for passing the orders to a third person the invoice that would usually go out to the customer would probably suffice so long as you do populate the fields with unique identifiers on the products page.

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i tried all kinds of software now and even presta is on release now only wth 1.1 i´, a real fan of it.
easy to modify and very good ideas are on the start.
you can ad as many gate aways you want and there is a possibility to check out without an account, someone of the community
allready created one.
as far paypal goes, as soon it comes to pay something you need to create an account somehow, or you pay simply with
your creditcard.
the community is building all kinds of gateways to pay, so many people are helpeing together in presta.
so we will be glad to have you in our community.
i gave a note to the team to check out the demo shop maybe someone changed the log in, by trying the software.
so far i understand your needs, and you are good in coding, presta is in my opinion the best way to go
it uses smarty for design, so the code is not touched at all and to maintain it is handy for your client.


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