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changing the order of Products and the order of the categories on the home page.

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Dear jhnstcks

Brilliant! thank you for that re. categories.

However :-S , I just tried to change the order of a product on the home page using the arrow keys and nothing happened, it just changed the order on the list in the back office. Wiki looks great for lots of questions but I couldn't find an answer to this last one.

I would really appreciate your help with this one too.

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you only can change 1-6 to 6-1
you can´t shuffel them like you want i guess

for this you need to make new categories in the line you want them to appear, and delete the old ones

and of course make all subcategories new, too

means before you create your shop you should know how you want it to look like


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I would suggest a mod for the next version to allow a sort order by number i.e. priority - so that the categories appear publicly how you specify in the back office.

Any chance dev team?

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Hi there,

That's not a bad little mod but actually all I require is to be able to rejig the category list - I've chosen not to display any products in the central home content area.

Any other ideas or suggestions?

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you could change the code in the category tpl. file to change the order they are displayed.
this sounds to me like a little work

or you change the code in the block-categories itself.

to me it is still easier to make new categories


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In the wiki it shows you how to do it

for example
categories =




So to put them in your desired order, edit the category names by putting numbers first =




and it will show the categories in that order without displaying the 1. 2. or 3.

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yes i forgot this post, i´m so sorry, i was massing arround, too

and finally i found out what they want to tell us in the wiki

i just did not notice that fucking dot between the number and name of the categorie
and because of so many guys with the same problem i just thought it don´t work

so zombies good that you are still allive and not a zombie lol

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