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Search not indexing! RC2

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Hi guys, I upgraded to (RC2) this morning, but I'm fairly confident this was happening with as well. I have 110 products in my store at the moment, and about 80% of them have the word "black" in the description and as one of the features. When I search for "black", I get no results. In fact, in most of the searches I do, one product keeps coming up (and only that one) - I can't see anything special about this product compared to others.


I've tried going to Preferences > Search and re-building the index, but that doesn't do anything (it still says that only 98 of the 110 have been indexed, I've run it about six times).


I should say that I am using the multistore module, and this is happening on a secondary store (I don't use the main one, yet).


Any thoughts?



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