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Input field for clients in shopping cart

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Hello everybody!


I'm having an issue I just don't know how to solve. Turns out than since the fees my courier charges vary depending on distance, weight and measures of the product I can't add a single fee to my shipping options.


Therefore I thought maybe I could add an input text field in the shopping cart, so the client could enter the amount he has to pay for shipping. And this amount should be added to his bill, so when he chooses the Paypal payment method it appears there.


Any ideas?

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Well having the field is not a problem, it is getting it to add to the total price and charge to paypal. It sounds like you are only shipping to a limited area. If it were me I would buy the localized shipping module from presto-changeo http://www.presto-changeo.com/en/shipping-modules/83-localized-shipping.html then you can basically copy their rate structure in by hand. So that every zip code charges a different amount per weight or size of the product.

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