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Multi store and delivery from a shop

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I am testing the multi store multi shop.


I did 1 group of 2 shops : I will call them shop1 and shop2 : I selected the option share Quantity.


I created a store1 for the shop1 and a store2 for the shop2.


I want that if someone order in the shop1, the quantity from the store1 would be used.


Example : Item : shop 1 : 2 and shop 2 : 3


I did an order in the shop2 . But at the end I had Shop 1 : 1 and shop 2 : 3


Is it possible to choose the store where the quantity will be taken ? I hope it is understandable lol

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Yes I have to Enable warehouse priority (to define an order of warehouses usage), I thought that the priority would be by default according to the store of the shop.


I should continu the test


Thanks for your support

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What I want is that if a shop receive an order and have the product in store : no problem. I can send if from the shop'store.


but if not in store but in the other store : Take if from the other shop'store. (from the same group). I alfready clic share quantity inside the group.


You said it is not enabled by default but is it possible to enable it ? how ?

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Ben, I'm sorry, because of my poor knowledge of PrestaShop at all and the 1.5 features.

1) Enable multiselect - already present feature (see Catalog > Product > Warehouses, set checkboxes to enable).

2) Priority - there are two ways:

2.1) global list - easy to do, just add "weight" number for each warehouse entity. Could be configured in Stock > Warehouses.

2.2) product list - the same ordering (may be inherit from global list by default), but can be changed for each product. Could decrease server performance. Entity "Product" need a flag - "Individual warehouse order", because in this case an additional records are required to reorder warehouse list. This reorder requested on a Catalog > Product > Warehouses page (to set the order), and somewhere in scripts on a checkout stage.

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2.1) global list - easy to do, just add "weight" number for each warehouse entity. Could be configured in Stock > Warehouses.

This feature is useful in multishop configuration where Shops are divided on geolocation basis, same as for Stores in case when Store and Warehouse are located together.


As I see now Stores used just for customer information, there no any dependencies between Stores and Warenouses, also Stores as entities never used in PS business logic. Am I right?

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Continue examination of warehouses.


I guess than Warehouse weight feature is very important for logistic, because merchant must enter a "Unit purchase price or unit manufacturing cost for this product (tax excl.)". This price can be differ on a defferent warehouses becasue of any commerce reasons, for example:

1) first time supplier made a shipment of one product to warehouse by one price, next time made a shipment of same product to same warehouse by cheaper price. Merchant by profit reason should sell cheaper products from second shipment first, then to sell other, much expensive products.


2) one supplier made a shipment of one product to warehouse-1 by one price, another supplier made a shipment of same product to warehouse-1 by cheaper price. Merchant by profit reason should sell cheaper products from warehouse-2 first, then to sell other, much expensive products, from warehouse-1.

Edited by Nick Fedchik (see edit history)
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