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Meta Tag Duplication in pages is almost Solved, any help?

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Hi, guys a long time i'm looking for a solution to this problem.

Google webmaster tool show me duplicate meta tag on my category or best-sales pages, like this:






I read on this site how to fix it CLICK


Open /classes/Tools.php and replace the function completeMetaTags (around line #500) with the function below.


static public function completeMetaTags($metaTags, $defaultValue)


global $cookie;

$no_duplication = "";

if (self::getValue('p'))

$no_duplication .= ($no_duplication != ""?" #":"#").self::getValue('p');

if ($no_duplication != "")

$no_duplication = " (".$no_duplication.")";

if ($metaTags['meta_title'] == NULL)

$metaTags['meta_title'] = Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME').' - '.$defaultValue;

$metaTags['meta_title'] .= $no_duplication;

if ($metaTags['meta_description'] == NULL)

$metaTags['meta_description'] = (Configuration::get('PS_META_DESCRIPTION', intval($cookie->id_lang)) ? Configuration::get('PS_META_DESCRIPTION', intval($cookie->id_lang)) : '');

$metaTags['meta_description'] .= $no_duplication;

if ($metaTags['meta_keywords'] == NULL)

$metaTags['meta_keywords'] = Configuration::get('PS_META_KEYWORDS', intval($cookie->id_lang)) ? Configuration::get('PS_META_KEYWORDS', intval($cookie->id_lang)) : '';

return $metaTags;



Open /classes/Tools.php and replace the function getHomeMetaTags (around line #490) with the function below.


static public function getHomeMetaTags($id_lang)


global $cookie, $page_name;


/* Metas-tags */

$metas = Meta::getMetaByPage($page_name, $id_lang);

$ret['meta_title'] = (isset($metas['title']) AND $metas['title']) ? Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME').' - '.$metas['title'] : Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME');

$ret['meta_description'] = (isset($metas['description']) AND $metas['description']) ? $metas['description'] : '';

$ret['meta_keywords'] = (isset($metas['keywords']) AND $metas['keywords']) ? $metas['keywords'] : '';

$no_duplication = "";

if (self::getValue('p'))

$no_duplication .= ($no_duplication != ""?" #":"#").self::getValue('p');

if ($no_duplication != "")


$ret['meta_title'] .= " (".$no_duplication.")";

$ret['meta_description'] .= " (".$no_duplication.")";


return $ret;



This correction solve double meta tag on pages, but open new problem - i lose my meta tags and meta description on pages like: best-sales, price-drop etc.


Please help a colleague. i search for man who understands the source code and want help me for solving this problem.


P.S. sorry for my poor language


Regard Dim

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