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Displaying error message in pods

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I'm searching for a module where user enters email id and clicks the submit button then need to validate the email address if the email id is not valid then show the error message in the pod if the email address is valid then we need to show some messages in the center column.


attached the sample scenario.


Can anyone help me in achieving this..






Edited by n.nagraj321 (see edit history)
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to validate a email you need a response (user open the email). But you can validate the domain and the format of the email


this free module do this






I have done the email validation. Problem is if the email id is valid then i need to show some message to user in center column. if the email id is is not then i need to show the error message in that pod itself not in the center column.


I have used the below code and it is working fine if the email id is invalid, but if the email id is valid then i'm redirecting

to email.php but it is giving We're sorry, but the Web address you entered is no longer available error message.




if ($this->error)


$smarty->assign(array('error' => $this->error));

return $this->display(__FILE__, $this->name.'.tpl');





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