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Copy customers from one PS to another

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I want to copy customers from one PS to another.

I have copied records from _customer, _address, _customer_group but it doesn't help.


Customers still have to go through the password recovery procedure to be able to login.


Is there any solution to give customers possibility to move to another server with their customer data? (I don't want to move orders)

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Yes, products are the same, thats why I'm going to merge shops.


Yes, it looks like keys are different.. so now the only way is to go through the recovery.. am I right?


if the products are the same, our multishop module will allow you to run both domains (or more) on the single ps installation. You would not need to move any customers..but each shop from the www point of view looks distinct. Here

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one approach is to customize the code and store both old and new keys. then override the applicable class/controllers dealing with authentication, so that it first tries the old key, if that works then convert them to the new key and proceed. if the old key does not work, then try the new key.

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sorry didn't realize the 'other' shop already existed....I like bellini's try twice solution....


Yes, it's quite good but I'm trying not to touch the original code as far as I can - less trouble with updates.

Well, I think customers will have to go through the password recovery.. in the long run they change the shop, so maybe they will not kill me :)

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