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Import Features in Product CSV as predefined

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I´m triying to import some products using the Import CSV function and I´m having a problem when trying to import features.


I created some features and assigned some values PRIOR to the import, but when I import the file the features are imported as Customized instead of importing it as Pre defined.


Does anyone know how to solve this issue?



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I´ve been looking prestashop-sync and It seems that it doesn´t support 1.5 yet. Anyway, I would prefer not to use and external site to load my products.


Do anyone know if it is posible to upload product features as predefined?



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  • 2 weeks later...

try to set up the pre-defined value in admin (back-office) before you import the csv.


Hi Sippa,


I´ve already done that, but it doesn´t work. Prestashop creates the feature as customized even it has a predefined feature created with the same name.


Did you manage to load them as predefined?





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys. Try do the following:


1. Run these queries against your database. It will removes all your custom features and links to products:


delete from ps_feature_product
where id_product in (
select * from
(select fp.id_product from ps_feature_product fp
left join ps_feature_value fv on fv.id_feature_value = fp.id_feature_value
left join ps_feature_value_lang fvl on fv.id_feature_value = fvl.id_feature_value
where custom =1) todelete);

 delete from ps_feature_value_lang where id_feature_value in
(select * from (select fvl.id_feature_value from ps_feature_value_lang fvl
left join ps_feature_value fv on fv.id_feature_value = fvl.id_feature_value
where custom =1) todelete);

delete from ps_feature_value where custom =1;



2. Predefine all the features and values.

3. Do the import.


Let me know your result.

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  • 3 months later...


I have The follow prob with importing features via cvs Products feature: Lenght:5.6:1 (in BO are that the right name and ID of this feature)

They have to place the feature in the not pre configure field I supose.

How can I fix this?

V 5.4.1, default theme.

Best Regards,


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  • 3 months later...

Set pre-defined values first before import CSV:-

BO > Catalog > Features > click "Add a new feature" button > add a feature name > click "Add new feature values" > add some feature values.

Then, import your products csv. Make sure feature name and values in CSV file same as per above setting.


Caution: There is a bug if your import product csv with pre-defined feature values. A or some feature values are missing if you edit product detail manually (even click "Save" without edit).\


Refer http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/252700-product-features-suddenly-missing-please-help/?view=findpost&p=1381733&hl=feature+value+missing

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