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Adding subject when clicking on customer email in BO

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is there a way to add a default subject line when creating a new email by clicking on the customer's email in the order details of the BO?


Not the form, but really by clicking on the email, and using your own email client. I know there is a way to add a subject line to the mailto parameter, but where to find it in the PS code?


That would be a huge time-saver for me, so your help is much appreciated!


All the best,



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Locate /renamed_admin_dir/tabs/AdminOrders.php. Find the line:


(<a href="mailto:'.$customer->email.'">'.$customer->email.'</a>)';


Replace it with:


(<a href="mailto:'.$customer->email.'?subject=A%20subject%20with%20spaces">'.$customer->email.'</a>)';


Or one with the message body too:


(<a href="mailto:'.$customer->email.'?subject=A%20subject%20with%20spaces&body=First%20line%20of%20body%0D%0ASecond%20line%20of%20body">'.$customer->email.'</a>)';


encode spaces as %20 and line breaks as %0D%0A

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