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Automatic Load Products for Back Ordered Products

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We have a business requirement where we offer products to customers which we do not carry in physical stock, allowing them to order out of stock products. But we also only order the amount the customer orders from us. The following example uses the version with the demo products.


So think in terms of the following:

ADMIN-> Preferences -> Products -> Allow ordering of out-of-stock product = YES

ADMIN-> Preferences -> Products -> Enable stock management = YES

ADMIN-> Preferences -> Products -> Enable advanced stock management = YES


ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Information->Reference = PMacBook


ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Quantities->I want to use the advanced stock management ... = CHECKED

ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Quantities->Available quantities for current product ... = selected

ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Quantities->When out of stock: = Default: Allow orders as set in Preferences

ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Quantities->Availability settings->Minimum quantity: = 0


ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Suppliers->Supplier Name->AppleStore = selected

ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Suppliers->Product references->Supplier reference = sMacBook


ADMIN-Catalog->Products->MacBook->Warehouses->Warehouse1->Stored = selected



A customer orders 1 MacBook.



ADMIN->Stock->Supply orders->Add new->Automatically load products = 0

(with everything else filled out correctly)


While a 1 in the Automatically load products field will work, this also orders all of the other products which have 0 physical inventory and orders 2 of the MacBooks.


What we want is to be able to only order products which have a negative Quantity on ADMIN->Catalog->Products.


Enclosed is the /override/classes/controllers/admin/AdminSupplyOrdersController.php file which seems to solve our problem.


Can anyone think of other problems this might cause?


I don't consider this a bug, since I'm not sure if our scenario really fits into the initial design criteria, but I offer the file as a potential solution if others may have the same desired business functionality.


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