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[SOLVED] Message Out of stock without stock control

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Hi everyone,


I'm using presta and I don't use stock control. When I have a product without stock I unselect "Available" and "Show price". I would like that when unselect "Available" or "Show price" the F.O. show a message "Out of stock" or "Not available".


Does anyone know how to do?


I think this could be fine for everyone that don't use stock control.


Thanks in advance.



Edited by unik (see edit history)
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I am trying to do this (see attachment).

I thought that maybe there was some kind of module that would activate that. Do you guys know?


It there is none, then, where exactly would I insert this code:


{if $product->available_for_order == 0}
{l s='Out of stock'}




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I'm using presta and I don't use stock control. When I have a product without stock I unselect "Available" and "Show price". I would like that when unselect "Available" or "Show price" the F.O. show a message "Out of stock" or "Not available".


Does anyone know how to do?

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  On 12/13/2012 at 8:15 AM, Alister91 said:

I'm using presta and I don't use stock control. When I have a product without stock I unselect "Available" and "Show price". I would like that when unselect "Available" or "Show price" the F.O. show a message "Out of stock" or "Not available".


Does anyone know how to do?


I just want the same. Does anyone know how to do it?

Though i am on 1.5...



Edited by b.designer (see edit history)
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I want to do something similar to this.

We don't use Prestashop for stock control.

We use another system for that. Prestashop functions as a normal store, where you can buy products even if they are out of stock.

Wich they all are, beacuse we havent entred any, since stockmanger is disabled.

But we want to be able to add a msg to the product page, that the product is out of stock. I was thinking the could be achieved somehow with a simple Yes/No select. Do anyone know if it is possible to do it?

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