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change google checkout product

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could you make it so when a customer buys a product and selects googlecheckout that it changes the product name when purchasing?

i.e. they want to buy product a and they click google checkout on checkout it says Giftset1 insted of product a?

so product name changes when you are in google checkout

would changing gcheckout.php ['name'] work?

$googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($product['name']), utf8_decode($product['description_short']), intval($product['quantity']), number_format(Tools::convertPrice($product['price_wt'], $currency), 2, '.', '')));
       foreach ($params['cart']->getDiscounts() as $voucher)
           $googleCart->AddItem(new GoogleItem(utf8_decode($voucher['name']), utf8_decode($voucher['description']), 1, '-'.number_format(Tools::convertPrice($voucher['value_real'], $currency), 2, '.', '')));

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  • 8 months later...

Just a note, changing "name" to "reference" worked!

So people with, options on products... that want to use google checkout, should enable this... otherwise the name will pass through only the main product title with no options.

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