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Top Horizontal Menu - can't add new links

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I have the module called Top Horizontal Menu installed on my website. As you can see on the first and second images I can add new cms pages and such but not custom links since it gives no label to the link even though I type "Start" in the label field.






Anyone knows how to solve this? I have tried removing the module and adding it again as new without success.


Thank you


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So I checked mysql to see if I could find any errors there but it looks alright to me, don't you think? (Please read my edit below, found a trace.. maybe someone else understands it better than I do?)


ps_linksmenutop seems to be connected to ps_linksmenutyop_lang just fine, at least that's what I get from the ids given. Any idea what could trigger this problem?


Edit: When I checked the modules options for links and such I found a pretty interesting problem. Apparently my menu items I previously added do exist and I can choose from them but they are blank and no text is visible. Let me show you by the image below:


When adding menu links/items they do show up in my menu with their names assigned to them but this is still a problem, especially when administrating the menu. Do you know what the problem could be? Please reply!

Edited by Noyes (see edit history)
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