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Voucher Client Selection Limitation

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So I ran into this problem once I got my dollar amount vouchers working right and thought Id pass this along.


In the voucher creation screen, at the bottom, you can select the client to use the voucher. Unfortunately, that selection box is limited to 50 clients and there is no way to select the 51'st client or higher. It just has something like "limit reached" and no way to select anyone but in that list.


I dug around and found how to change this and (Lewis Black voice with hand gesture) thought I would share.


Attached are two files, AdminDiscounts.php and ajax.php


ajax.php goes in the admin folder.


AdminDiscounts.php goes in the admin/tabs folder.


(whatever you renamed your admin to)


I have increased the client and category limits to 1000. If you have more, just look for 1000 but Im thinking this is probably plenty under most circumstances.


Use at your own risk.


Working for me with


Back up before using


Will probably get over-written on update.


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And good luck.


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