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Search results are different in each language

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Hi There!!


I can't imagine why but the search result are different in each language.


In product_lang table the fields are contains exactly the same data in each language because I copied them with SQL statement.


You could try it if you search for "beethowen" or "chopin" in www.lpcorner.com website.

You will see the results are not the same if you switch the site language to other.


Can someone help me to find the reason ?


I tried to upgrade the site in my test environment to the most recent Presta version but it not solved the problem.



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Hi shacker!


I'm sure you are not right! Try to search for "beethoven" when the site language is US. (click US flag if not)

You will get about 168 results. Now click on the Hungarian flag (red,white,green) and you will get about 481 results. It's a huge difference and I can't imagine why !




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  • 2 weeks later...

i search beethoven in magyar





1 a kereső eredményt talált.


-- Ár: alacsonyabb előre Ár: magasabb előre Termék név: A-Z Termék név: Z-A Készlet szerint Rendezés:


and in english





1 result has been found.


-- Price: lowest first Price: highest first Product Name: A to Z Product Name: Z to A In-stock first Sort by

but if you change language in home, you find more products. Try to regenerate search indes in preferences, search, and add misses products

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By examine the ps_search_word closely, the new words won't be appended to ps_search_word automatically. So it seems that it need to be rebuilt every time. Quite time consuming.

I think it's more efficient .if the quick search would rather use a simple query to filter the result set from ps_product_lang.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi! Thanks for reply!


SHACKER: Try to write Beethowen with simple "v", like this: Beethoven and you will get more results. Thanks for the tip, I regenerated the index and now the search results are the same on both languages.


Now at Preferences / Search I see this: Indexed products: 2535 / 4849. Hmmm, what does it mean exactly?


There is another option above the "Regenerate Indexes" something like this: "Add missing products to indexes" (translating back from Hungarian). What this option will do exactly? Need to use it or not ?


I'm trying to understand the conclusion. Do I have to rebuild the indexes daily manualy, or use a cron provided by a link here at preferences / search.


SUTHICHAI: You wrote: "Just made a test and found If we choose Indexation, cron job is optional." Where can you choose Indexation ? I don't find tjis option at backoffice..





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