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Hola, una pregunta, si mi servidor no da la opción de memcache que puedo hacer? Había escuchado que era la mejor opción para la tienda y para que no fuera a pedales tampoco, o eso no es verdad? Alternativas?


Gracias de nuevo


Es recomendable (no quiere decir que sea imprescindible) activarlo, siempre que tu hosting te permita de activarlo.

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Me han dicho que no puede ser, son Bluehost para más señas. ¿La opción sistema de archivos hace que vaya peor la tienda o qué es lo que pasa?

La opción, de cache por sistema de archivos, nunca me ha terminado de convencer, pero bueno, puedes probarla en tu tienda y ver si te funciona bien.


Por otro lado, y ampliando información sobre otras opciones que te servirán de ayuda en tu tienda.


Te recomiendo tener todas las opciones de CCC (Pestaña Preferencias/Rendimiento/Opciones CCC), señaladas (para que hagan la compresión), menos las ultima la que habla de compresión máxima de HTML (La ultima déjala como esta).


Respecto a la memcached, estoy mas o menos de acuerdo con lo que dice 4webs.

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OK gracias por las respuestas, pues no se que haré, el servidor me ha sido muy claro. Lo tengo pagado hasta final de año sino me decantaría por uno español aunque sea un poco más caro y que me permitiera activar el memcache y menos líos luego con la LDPD.


¿En que hosting, tienes alojado la tienda?

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Tengo Bluehost.


Me respondieron esto hace unos días con el tema del memcache, (perdón por el tocho y en inglés):


I'm sorry to hear of the trouble you're having. We do not support it. See: http://www.top10webhosting.com/content/memcache-and-shared-hosting/


Our servers do not support any of the accelerators mentioned, with the exception of memcache, to an extent.


I'll explain why, using APC as an example--They're all similar in function, so there is no great variance among them in explanation.


APC (and others) is set up to accelerate "per-process." In our setup, each php hit is one process, per request; so anything cached on that hit wouldn't be available on the next request. So, being set up the way it is, anything it caches for one php hit is no longer available on the next--in addition to that, you have the CPU overhead of caching each hit, then clearing each cache--since no cache can effectively be used.


Now you could use FastCGI in conjunction with APC, as FastCGI keeps a process open, allowing any subsequent request for the same information to be delivered cached; However, FastCGI processes cannot share caches between each other; With a maximum lifetime of 5 minutes, and a total maximum idle time of 1 minute, the marginal increase in performance for subsequent hits on a cached page are vastly overshadowed by the inefficiency of dealing with the caching overhead; And finally, coupled with the fact that no more than 5 FastCGI processes can run at any time, you're looking at a serious bog down in response times if you start getting lots of traffic to many different php pages; You'd have to wait for all requests for one FastCGI process to timeout (300 seconds of active processing, or 60 seconds of idling) before the next FastCGI thread could be opened for the newly requested page.


While in theory memcaching could be possible, it too is not optimal inherently for a shared environment, as it's generally meant to be implemented within a trusted, dedicated network, with a dedicated server acting as the memcache; In addition to these recommended environment variables, the fact that the site WILL NOT RUN if memecached is killed on your account, I really don't think it's worth the trouble of downloading, compiling, configuring, modifying your PHP scripts, then running a cron to start the memcached daemon on your account every half hour, then running another cron to verify that memcached is still running every few minutes, is worth any possible increase in performance by either caching option.


Honestly, the best results are most likely had with trim and well-written PHP pages; Our environment is already pre-configured to serve PHP pages exceptionally fast; Some performance gains can be had for some sites by way of enabling FastCGI interface for PHP as well in cPanel > Software/Services > PHP Config > FastCGI for PHP5, which is simply an extension to legacy CGI to allow multiple requests in a single process, rather than one request per process. (Please note that this may work GREAT for some site configurations, and horribly for others. Your mileage with it may vary.)

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Hola Nadie,


Esto que has dicho de las CCC

Te recomiendo tener todas las opciones de CCC (Pestaña Preferencias/Rendimiento/Opciones CCC), señaladas (para que hagan la compresión), menos las ultima la que habla de compresión máxima de HTML (La ultima déjala como esta).


Como puedo estar seguro que mi tema es compatible con la version (1.4 en mi caso) y q CCC no me generara problemas?? (esto es la advertencia q me sale en el BO)



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