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cart_id is not equal to order_id ... what can i do?

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I'm developing a new payment with credit card to a bank.

It works but i've a problem. The bank needs the order number to be sent during the payment, but i've not... at the moment, i send the cart_id to the bank, but cart id is not aligned with order_id.


For example, a cart_id 65 makes order 50, so in prestashop the order is 50 but in my bank transaction the order id is 65.. it's a problem because i can't associate the transaction to the order ... what can i do? I don't know the order_id til the order was complete.


Help me please!!

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it will take a good amount of customization, but it sounds like you would have to create an order prior to sending the payment transaction to the bank. you can create a new status, like "pending payment" and when the bank responds then instead of creating the order, you just change the status to "payment accepted"


I am over simplifying this, but in theory that is what you need to do.


I should ask however, why is it important that the bank receive the order Id? Provided the Cart Id, you could associate it to the order Id.

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Thank you, your idea is really good but it takes so much time... :(

It's not important for the bank, the cart_id is enough but when an operator of the e-commerce admin the orders, it's hard to conduct the payment to the correct order...

and... the bank send a confirmation to the customer with the order id, that is the cart id.. :(

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