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Product page displays "Array" issterad of the description

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On my product page the word "Array" displays where the short description should show. It also displays under the 'More Info' tag and the image name is along the lines of 10-163-large/Array.jpg. The short description displays OK in the product list page.

Can anybody tell me how to fix this problem?





Prestashop Version:

Server information: Linux #1 SMP Mon Oct 4 20:11:56 BST 2010 x86_64

Server software Version: Apache/2

PHP Version: 5.3.13

MySQL Version: 5.1.62


Sorry post title should be "Product page displays "Array" instead of the description"

Edited by Fins (see edit history)
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There's been a change to line 362 in FrontController.php, but that's now been reverted back to the original.

Product.php & Validate.php have been added to the overrides as a new field had to be added to the product. This was for an eISBN and basically the Ean13 details where duplicated. A new field the the DB was also created. The two override files still contain all the original code, should this be stripped out to leave just the eISBN code?

'class ValidateCore' was changed to 'class Validate extends ValidateCore' and class ProductCore extends ObjectModel' changed to 'class Product extends ProductCore'.

The 'editorial.tpl' has also been tweaked.

All other changes have been at CSS level or graphics.

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