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unwanted orders

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Hi, Some nasty person keeps placing massive orders in my shop which ruins my stock control, leaving no name or other details, coming up with payment accepted, but not paid of course.

Anybody an idea what i can do about this?




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It is very hard to stop somebody to order, it sound like you have freak after you. If you can check his/her IP and then you can deny access to your site from that certain IP from your .htaccess file


Put this code (IP is example ip) in .htaccess below RewriteEngine on


order allow,deny
deny from
deny from 012.34.5.
allow from all


If he/she uses different proxy servers and order then you have to put each IP in "deny from" list

Edited by Prestashop-Planet (see edit history)
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In addition to Prestashop Planet's good advice, don't let them order without registering for an account. I get some of that on one of my stores and I periodically have to delete their shopping cart, but it doesn't mess up my inventory.

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It would seem there is more to this than what you originally posted. It's one thing to be spammed with products being put on a shopping cart, which does not decrease stock.


Getting the product in a 'paid status' would be an interesting detail you could provide. What payment method? Bank wire?

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