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How to 'hook' to a non visible hook?

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I'm trying to hook to createAccount hook. I tried to transplant my module to 'Successful customer crate account' but it gives me a warning.


This module is already transplanted to this hook.


What im trying to do is to make a custom redirect after successful account creation.


Also, where can I find the function documentation of createAccount ?

I think it may be possible to pass a redirect url to it?


Thanks. I hope somebody replies this time.

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I have the exact same question, does anyone know how to transplant a module to an action hook? In my case I get the "This module can't get transplanted to this hook" error.


I've correctly registered the hook and the proper funcion in the module with no success.


Any ideas anyone?

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The best way is to create a module that hooks to "create account". You can see a sample here:



public function hookCreateAccount($params)

in that method you need to implement the redirect.



note that this hook must be registered at the module install() method:



This way there's no need to setup it from BackOffice -> Modules -> Positions.

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