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[SOLVED] limited Homepage

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My customer wants a a small but visual attractive homepage: just displaying his company-logo, 4 categories (4 pics), a newsbox and some generic URLs (delivery, privacy statement, sales conditions).


When the visitor selects a category, the next page should show the regular PrestaShop homepage-layout with header, footer, left and right column, containing the cart-info, top-sellers, stores, etc.


What's the best practise to solve this ? First idea was to create an independent homepage (small index.php file in the root) with some URLS pointing to the regular PrestaShop-pages, with PrestaShop installed in a sub-dir..


Is there a better way, using just 1 index.php in the root of the domain ?


Could this affect the way SEO works ? Or the Google Analytics module ?


Thanks for your answers, tips, ...

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Hi JMDeSmet,

The best way to do this would probably be to create a single landing page and have the links there point to the categories of your PrestaShop site.


For example, you could have your main page at www.yoursite.com, and the links would then point to www.yoursite.com/prestashop/category1, www.prestashop.com/category2, etc.


I hope this helps.



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