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On sale icon is broken

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But if you press on that link. Change the "en" to "fr". The french logo come. And then change it to "dk" the logo will show.


Yes, because those images are located in that folder. Please check to confirm that there is an onsale_da.gif image in that same folder as well.



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There is.

I took the en version an renamed it to da and uploaded it..


Can you please post a screenshot where we can see this in that folder? If you have done so, you shouldn't be having this error and it may require additional investigation into the cause of the error.



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Are you sure that the file is valid gif image? Copy it back to your hard drive and try to open it or save it again.


However, browser doesn't really display it on that link and if you inspect the element (link to that image) with Firebug, it says "Failed to load the given url" (404 error) so the server acts like the file is not there...

Edited by webplus (see edit history)
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