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OPC fields problem

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I have just installed OPC module on my site , but it changed tottaly authentication , address, addresses , order pages . It removed my fields that was before and added another fields . I really need some fields that i have gotten before the installation of OPC , for example i the fields that allow the customer to insert his data if he wants to buy as a legal entity( on a firm ) not as individual .How could i fix this to have this fields on authentication page , address page , opc-order page . I managed to make them appear on each page but if the customer register the daat from this fields is not saved in adreess and if he makes an order and fills the filelds with data , again in BO that field texts are empty .

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yes etigara-electronica.ro


you can look on authentication page and address and see what fields i have there,i have copied from address.tpl to opc-address.tpl and opc-authentication.tpl some fields that were before . The problem is that data from fields that i had copied into opc-address.tpl and opc-authentication.tpl is not saved when a customer register and also is not saved even in BO or in e-mail sent to me for new order.



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