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Categories Setup Question

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I am trying to figure out a way to display my categories on my store front. I am not really getting the "HOME" main category then everything else has to be sub category. So the theme I have is showing the HOME link and when I hover it then it shows my categories. Well I want my categories to display as main links. How do I achieve this?


The theme I am using is "Whiteshiny" which is located here



Thanks inadvance.. btw awesome ecommerce software. Really excited to learn my way around the admin panel.

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Well I want my categories to display as main links. How do I achieve this?

On the demo site of the theme, it shows multiple categories in the top-bar, and their subcategories on hover. Is that what you can't achieve?

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No.. I would like to do away with that and actually have my main categories to display on the main nav bar. Instead of having all of them subbing from the "Home" link. I did find a way to accomplish this by going to the "Top Horizontal Menu" module adding the sub category links. Now I dont know if this is standard practice but it works. Let me know if I should do it another way.


Thanks for response.

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