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How to put a MP3 preview player in each product in product list?

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Hey guys I've been researching this for about a week and havent found a solution yet. I'm building a mp3 store and want to add a mp3 preview player that would show in each product in the product list. That way customers could play each product they're interested in the product list instead of having to go to each product page.


I would like to use something like the wordpress audio player. There is a module with this type of player and it adds it to the product description in the product page but would the mp3 preview player also come out on the product list? Here is the the module - > http://addons.presta...dio-Player.html


Look at this screenshot I've added of a prestashop store so you can see an example of what it is that I want to do.


Thank You!


Edited by jayb174 (see edit history)
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There is a module with this type of player and it adds it to the product description in the product page but would the mp3 preview player also come out on the product list? Here is the the module ...


It is best to ask a question about a module's capabilities to the developer of the module. It may be the case no one here is familiar with the module. Visit the module's page and click on 'send developer a message' button

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