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Paypal 3.0.6 is Forcing Customer to Create Account?

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I just installed the new Paypal module 3.0.6 after struggling with the one that comes with PS (Paypal version 2.8.7) on "Insecure Content" issue.


However I found out that this module is forcing customer to create an account with Paypal instead of just accepting payment using credit card.


Can anyone tell me where to change this behaviour? I checked my Paypal setup and I have "Paypal Account Optional" on.


TIA, boy

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Hi boylibre,


To my understanding they are still not finished with adding everything to the module. I would keep checking back to see what changes are in place. If you look under the paypal forum section you will see one called 3.06 lots of problems and fGaillard explains this matter. Hope this may help.



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