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Uploading Prestashop Zip File instead of FTP

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I tried downloading and unzipping and then uploading via ftp, but something went wrong cause when I tried syncing directories and files (to make sure that nothing went wrong), FTP keeps on saying that a whole bunch of files is bigger on the local server than on the remote server.


So, I tried using CPanel File Manager, uploading the zipped file and then extracting via File Manager. This process was a lot faster and when I recheck via FTP sync, it says "The directories are the same."


Has anyone installed via CPanel File Manager (Extract) method instead of via FTP? Is this method okay?

Edited by pming (see edit history)
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this method is perfectly fine, in fact better than trying to ftp each individual file.

however technically you did not "install" prestashop, you simply uploaded the zip file, and using File Manager you unzip the file.

you still need to run the install

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Good to know that Cpanel-File Manager-Upload (the zip file)-Extract is a-okay. I did wonder why Prestashop (still) recommends the FTP route.


There is just no comparison in speed. Uploading the zip file takes less than 5% of the time and there's much much much less worry about incomplete files being uploaded.


I've finished the installation procedure. There doesn't seem to be any problem. I didn't have to change any file permissions.

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